As Nikki wrote in her poem for Blackwildgirl, this is an invitation to travel together.
“Once upon a time/Before time could be counted/ Soft words were spoken/ Then a song was sung/ And a seed hearing those sounds followed them out/ To become a part of the newness/ To become a part of this warmth/To become . . . to become/To become a journey into/ Girlhood/ Menah Pratt follows/That sound to/ That warmth to/ That possibility/ and invites us to travel/With her.” —Nikki Giovanni, poet”
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Blackwildgirl: A Writer’s Journey to Take Back Her Superpower is a 45 year journey, based on 45 years of journals. Join the journey with your own Blackwildgirl Companion Journal: Finding Your Superpower.
Blackwildgirl: A Writer’s Journey to Take Back Her Superpower is a book about bargains and how we respond to them. Our lives are often shaped by bargains, some made with our consent, most without. These bargains often involve the loss of some essential element of our being. Those who are courageous undertake initiation journeys to recover what was lost in the bargain, so that we can fulfill our destinies and purpose in life.
I’m grateful for the blurbs and reviews from women scholars, writers, and leaders who have inspired Blackwildgirl throughout her life, including Nikki Giovanni, Naomi Tutu, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Mirabai Starr, Katrina Adams, Black feminist, womanist, and girlhood scholars, and scholars of autobiography and autoethnography.
“Once upon a time/Before time could be counted/ Soft words
were spoken/ Then a song was sung/ And a seed hearing those
sounds followed them out/ To become a part of the newness/
To become a part of this warmth/To become . . . to become
/To become a journey into/ Girlhood/ Menah Pratt follows/
That sound to/ That warmth to/ That possibility/ and invites
us to travel/With her.” —Nikki Giovanni, poet
“If there is one book every Black woman needs to read in her
life, it’s Blackwildgirl. Pratt invites us to find ourselves and our
inherent power as she found hers. She shows how her journey
from childhood to adulthood is also our journey and other
women’s journeys, from bearing the world to being the world.”
—Readers’ Favorite, 5 Star Review
“Menah Pratt has written a book that offers the chance to be
empowered, to be educated, to be healed, to be liberated. Be
ready to cry, to laugh, to mourn, and to celebrate. Most of
all, be ready to have your eyes, heart, and mind opened.”
—Naomi Tutu, ordained minister and daughter of Bishop Tutu
“Blackwildgirl encourages all of us to reclaim our superpowers
and be change-agents in life.”
—Katrina M. Adams, author of Own the Arena and former
CEO of United States Tennis Association
“Part spell-binding memoir and part luminous teaching, this
book shattered my complacency and opened my heart. Sensual
and smart, dignified and vulnerable, Menah Pratt manages to
simultaneously deconstruct white supremacy and celebrate the
Divine Feminine as Black Woman. I haven’t been this excited
by an emerging voice in a long time. Blackwildgirl ought to
be required reading for anyone longing to reclaim their own
deepest, fullest humanity.”
—Mirabai Starr, author of Wild Mercy and God of Love
“Blackwildgirl starts like a strike of thunder a few hundred
miles away, like a storm catching up to you. I was left gasping
for air on several occasions. And at the same time, I felt
enveloped with a warm hug. Once I got started, I could not
stop. Be prepared to be moved!”
—Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez, author of For Brown
Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts
“A gift to ‘wild women’ everywhere, Menah Pratt’s Blackwild-
girl makes an important contribution to the evolving field of
Black Girlhood Studies, as well as Women’s Studies, Black
Studies, and Womanist Theology.”
—Beverly Guy-Sheftall, founding director of the Women’s
Research & Resource Center, Anna Julia Cooper Professor,
Spelman College, author of Words of Fire: An Anthology
of African American Feminist Thought
“Blackwildgirl is a love letter to Black feminism and Blackwild-
girls across the diaspora. A truly satisfying read, Blackwildgirl
will leave readers breathless, while simultaneously providing
space for critical reflection. This is one memoir you will want
to read time and time again.”
—Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, Assistant Professor,
University of Cincinnati
“Menah Pratt sets new precedents in her writing of Blackwild-
girl. All would benefit from reading this almost sacred and
critical text. She reminds us of Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou,
and Oprah Winfrey. Her visionary and spiritual voice meld
into one, going from a Moonlight Sonata to hip-hop and the
Psalms. In her feminist hands the act of crying becomes an
act of transparency and empowerment; it rises to healing and
refurbishing the spirit on the table of our consciousness, not
in the closet.”
—Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Professor, Seattle Univer-
sity, author of 8 books of poetry
“Every now and again a poet comes along and allows her reader
a peak beyond the veil. Blackwildgirl takes us on a journey
across time and geographies through the eyes of a determined
spirit. The book is in conversation with every precarious
daughter who dared to live free. Pratt boldly, yet delicately,
reveals the warrior spirit within!”
—Venus E. Evans-Winters, author of Black Feminism in
Qualitative Inquiry: A Mosaic for Writing Our Daughter’s Body
“Blackwildgirl breathes life into the bones of Black women
and girls everywhere.”
—Renata Ferdinand, Chair and Full Professor, New
York City College of Technology (CUNY), author of An
Autoethnography of African American Motherhood: Things
I Tell My Daughter
“Blackwildgirl is a valuable resource for parents, daughters,
women, husbands, partners, and lovers of women, as it sheds
light on the challenges faced and the strength required to
embrace one’s true self and stand as a warrior in the world.”
—Sharon Tettegah, Director, Center for Black Studies
Research, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Blackwildgirl takes its readers on a mythic, iconic, revelatory
journey, opening the pathway for other would-be wildwomen
and their allies to step up, speak up, and stand up. This
poignant, multi-layered, mixed genre story is a must read for
those interested in what it means to be a father, a mother, a
daughter, a professional, a human being.”
—Valerie Lee, author of Sisterlocking Discoarse: Race,
Gender, And The Twenty-First-Century Academy
“Dedicated to wildgirls and wildwomen, Blackwildgirl is essential
reading for anyone who wants to live in the fullness of creativity,
wisdom, and joy.”
—Corinne Field, Associate Professor, University of Virginia,
co-editor of The Global History of Black Girlhood
“The breadth and depth of Menah Pratt’s soul journey to
uncover Blackwildgirl and Blackwildwoman is not just
inspirational, but the most unselfish revolutionary act I have
experienced in book form maybe ever!
—Gina L. Carroll, author of The Grandest Garden
“A must-read for those committed to Black girls’ and women’s
non-negotiable liberation and for Black women journeying
to reclaim their wildness and freedom.”
—Dominique C. Hill, Assistant Professor, Colgate University
“This Black feminist/womanist gift will no doubt have a profound
impact on the lives of all the Black women who engage this love
offering: a wake and an awakening, a sunrise and a libation.”
—Andrea N. Baldwin, Associate Professor, University of
Utah, and author of A Decolonial Black Feminist Theory
of Reading and Shade: Feeling the University
“This work is a beautiful and perfect mirror for young girls
and women, especially those from diverse backgrounds, as
they explore their own positionality in becoming bold and
powerful humans in our rapidly transforming society.”
—Johanna B. Maes, Faculty, University of Colorado Boulder
“Truly a triumph of the spirit!”
—Antonia Darder, author of A Dissident Voice: Essays on
Culture, Pedagogy & Power
“Blackwildgirl creates new entry points to hear, see, and love
on Black girls.”
—Corey J. Miles, author of Vibe: The Sound and Feeling
of Black Life in the American South
“Blackwildgirl is a vivid example of what Maya Angelou describes
in her poem, Still I Rise.”
—V. Jean Ramsey, Retired Professor, Texas Southern University,
co-author of Teaching Diversity